Washington D.C. 20549
For the month of June 2007
Commission File Number: 001-33107
Xin Zhuang Industry Park,
Changshu, Suzhou
Jiangsu 215562
People’s Republic of China
(Address of principal executive offices)
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Form 6-K
Exhibit 20.1 — Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
Exhibit 20.2 — Management Information Circular
Exhibit 20.3 — Letter to Shareholders



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
  By:   /s/ Shawn Qu    
  Name:   Shawn Qu   
  Title:   Chief Executive Officer   
Date: June 11, 2007


EX-20.1 Notice of Annual Metting of Shareholders

Exhibit 20.1
130 King Street West, Suite 1600, The Exchange Tower
Toronto, Canada M5X 1J5
     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an annual meeting (the “Meeting”) of shareholders of Canadian Solar Inc. (the “Corporation”) will be held at The Westin Bund Center Shanghai, Room Agate, 2nd Floor, Bund Center, 88 Henan Central Road, Shanghai, 200002, People’s Republic of China, on Friday, June 29, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. (local time) for the following purposes:
  (a)   to receive the audited consolidated financial statements of the Corporation for the financial year ended December 31, 2006 together with the auditors’ report thereon and the notes thereto;
  (b)   to elect directors of the Corporation;
  (c)   to reappoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA, Ltd. as the auditors of the Corporation and to authorize the directors of the Corporation to fix their remuneration; and
  (d)   to transact such other business as properly may be brought before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
     The matters to be dealt with at the Meeting are described in the management information circular of the Corporation (the “Circular”) accompanying this Notice.
     Shareholders are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and act for and on behalf of them at the Meeting. Shareholders who are unable to attend the Meeting in person and who wish to ensure that their common shares are voted at the Meeting are requested to complete, sign and return the accompanying form of proxy in accordance with the instructions set out therein and in the Circular.
     DATED: May 29 , 2007.

    /s/ Shawn Qu
Shawn Qu
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer


EX-20.2 Management Information Circular

Exhibit 20.2
Certain information contained in this management information circular (the “Circular”) has been incorporated in this Circular from the annual report of the Corporation on Form 20-F (“Form 20-F”), which has been filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and is attached hereto.
Solicitation of Proxies
     This Circular of Canadian Solar Inc. (the “Corporation”) is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by management of the Corporation for use at the annual meeting of shareholders of the Corporation (the “Meeting”) to be held at the time and place and for the purposes set forth in the notice of meeting accompanying this Circular (the “Notice”).
     The solicitation of proxies will be primarily by mail, but proxies may also be solicited by telephone, in writing or in person by the directors, officers and regular employees of the Corporation. The Corporation may also use the services of a proxy solicitation firm. The cost of the solicitation of proxies will be borne by the Corporation.
Appointment of Proxies
     The persons named in the accompanying form of proxy are officers of the Corporation.
     A shareholder has the right to appoint a person (who need not be a shareholder) other than the persons named in the accompanying form of proxy to be the proxy of the shareholder at the Meeting and may exercise this right either by inserting that person’s name in the blank space provided in the accompanying form of proxy or by completing another proper form of proxy. To be effective, completed proxies must be received by the Bank of New York by mail in the enclosed return envelope at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before the time of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof or be deposited with the chairman of the Meeting before the commencement of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
Revocation of Proxies
     Proxies given by shareholders for use at the Meeting may be revoked at any time before their use. In addition to revocation in any manner permitted by law, a proxy may be revoked by depositing an instrument in writing signed by the shareholder or by the shareholder’s attorney duly authorized in writing with the Bank of New York by mail or hand delivery at 101 Barclay Street, Floor A, Proxy Department, New York New York 10286, U.S.A. at least 48 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before the time of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof or be deposited with the chairman of the Meeting before the commencement of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.



Voting and Discretion of Proxies
     The common shares represented by the proxies solicited by management pursuant to this Circular will be voted in accordance with the directions contained therein.
  If no directions are given, the common shares will be voted FOR:
  (a)   the election of the five proposed nominees for election as directors named in the Circular; and
  (b)   the appointment of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA, Ltd. as the auditors of the Corporation and the authorization of the directors of the Corporation to fix their remuneration.
     The accompanying form of proxy confers discretionary authority on the persons named therein in respect of amendments or variations to the matters referred to in this Circular and in respect of other matters that may properly come before the Meeting, or any adjournment thereof. Management of the Corporation knows of no such amendments or variations or other matters that may properly come before the Meeting but, if any such amendments or variations or other matters properly come before the Meeting, the persons named in the accompanying form of proxy will vote thereon in accordance with their best judgement.
Voting Shares
     Shareholders of record on Thursday, June 6, 2007 are entitled to receive notice of and vote at the Meeting. Persons who acquired common shares after Thursday, June 6, 2007 must produce properly endorsed share certificates or other evidence that they own the acquired common shares and must submit a notice in writing to the Corporation at 130 King Street West, Suite 1600, The Exchange Tower, Toronto, Canada M5X 1J5 no latter than 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on Friday, June 15, 2007 requesting that their names be included on the list of shareholders before the Meeting in order to be entitled to vote.
     The authorized capital of the Corporation consists of an unlimited number of common shares. There are 27,436,595 common shares outstanding. All common shares may be voted at the Meeting. Shareholders are entitled to one vote for each common share held by them.
Principal Shareholders
     To the knowledge of the directors and executive officers of the Corporation, the only persons who beneficially own, directly or indirectly, or exercise control or direction over voting securities of the Corporation carrying 5% or more of the voting rights attached to any class of voting securities of the Corporation are set out in Item 6E “Share Ownership” of Form 20-F.
Required Approval
     All matters to be dealt with at the Meeting require the approval of a majority of the votes cast on the matter.



Consolidated Financial Statements
     The audited consolidated financial statements of the Corporation for the financial year ended December 31, 2006, together with the auditors’ report thereon and the notes thereto, accompany this Circular and will be submitted to the Meeting. Receipt of the audited consolidated financial statements will not constitute approval or disapproval of any matters referred to therein.
Election of Directors
     The articles of the Corporation require that the Corporation have a minimum of three directors and a maximum of ten directors. The articles also provide that the actual number of directors within the specified minimum and maximum may be determined from time to time by resolution of the directors. The board of directors of the Corporation (the “Board”) has by resolution fixed the number of directors of the Corporation, within the specified minimum and maximum, at five. The term of office of each of the current directors expires on the election of directors at the Meeting.
     Management of the Corporation intends to nominate the individuals named below for election as directors of the Corporation. The Corporation has not received notice, and management of the Corporation is not aware, of any other nominees for election as directors of the Corporation.
     The following table sets out the name and province or state and country of residence of each person proposed to be nominated for election as director at the Meeting and his current position with the Corporation. See Item 6A. “Directors and Senior Management”, Item 6C. “Board Practices, Committees of the Board of Directors” and Item 6E. “Share Ownership” of Form 20-F for the following additional information with respect to each person proposed to be nominated for election as director at the Meeting: the period during which he has served as a director, the Board committees of which he is a member, his principal occupation and the number of common shares beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, or controlled or directed by him.
Name and    
Municipality of Residence   Current Position(s) with the Corporation
Shawn (Xiaohua) Qu
Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Bing Zhu
Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Director and Chief Financial Officer
Arthur Chien
Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Lars-Eric Johansson
London, The United Kingdom
Robert McDermott
Toronto, Ontario, Canada



Appointment of Auditors
     Management of the Corporation proposes that Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA, Ltd. be re-appointed auditors of the Corporation and that the directors of the Corporation be authorized to fix their remuneration. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA, Ltd. have been auditors of the Corporation since December, 2005.
Other Business
     Management of the Corporation knows of no other matters that may properly come before the Meeting.
     See Item 6B. “Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers — Cash Remuneration and Share Based Remuneration” and Item 6C. “Board Practices — Directors Agreements” of Form 20-F.
Employment and Management Contracts
     See Item 6C. “Board Practices — Employment Agreements” of Form 20-F.
Compensation of Directors
     See Item 6B. “Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers — Cash Remuneration” and Item 6C “Board Practices — Directors Agreements” of Form 20-F.
     See Item 7. “Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions” of Form 20-F.
     See Item 6C. “Board Practices — Interested Transactions” and Item 7B. “Related Party Transactions” of Form 20-F.
     See Item 10C. “Material Contracts” of Form 20-F.



Shareholder Proposals
     Shareholders must submit any shareholder proposal that they wish to be considered at the annual meeting of shareholders of the Corporation in respect of the year ending December 31, 2007 to be held in 2008 no later than February 28, 2008. All shareholder proposals must comply with Section 137 of the Canada Business Corporations Act.
     The term shareholder refers to a registered holder of common shares. The term common share refers to common shares in the capital stock of the Corporation.
Date of Information
     Except where noted, all information in this Circular is as of May 29, 2007.
     The contents and the sending of this Circular have been approved by the Board.
DATED at Toronto, Canada this 29th day of May, 2007.
/s/ Shawn Qu
Shawn Qu
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer



Our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 29, 2007 is hereby incorporated by reference.


EX-20.3 Letter to Shareholders

Exhibit 20.3
Dear Shareholders:
Since founding CSI in 2001, we have rapidly grown into one of the solar industry’s most prominent companies. We have differentiated CSI as a cost-effective, integrated solar module and application provider with a pro-active supply chain strategy.
In 2006 we continued to build on our impressive track record. We grew revenues to US$68.2 million in 2006, compared to US$18.3 million in 2005. CSI’s accomplishments, strong industry position, and growth potential led to a successful IPO on NASDAQ in November 2006. The IPO proceeds we raised will help fund our continued growth worldwide.
We are working hard to establish CSI as a worldwide brand synonymous with high quality, high yield, and cost effective solar module and application products. Many of our growth initiatives are now running ahead of plan, helping to further strengthen our position in the key European and U.S. markets.
A fundamental aspect of CSI’s business strategy is to maintain a balanced customer portfolio. The two types of customers we focus on include: regular distributors whom we ship to on a monthly or quarterly schedule and project owners or companies that purchase CSI’s products for specific solar power projects. CSI has worked to forge relationships with top-tier distributors and resellers in the solar industry, as well as companies and individuals that engage in landmark solar power initiatives.
In establishing a diverse network of customers, CSI has consistently delivered high quality, low cost solutions. We built a leadership position in the market for higher margin specialty modules. Our customers range from top-tier auto manufacturers, to some of the largest integrators of renewable and energy-efficient technology solutions.
We have developed one of the industry’s strongest supply chains, and demonstrated a first-mover advantage with our silicon reclamation program. Our supply chain includes a number of key long-term silicon supply deals. Most notable of these are a 5 year supply deal with one of the largest China based polysilicon manufacturers for high purity silicion, and a 12 year wafer supply agreement with one of the biggest global producers of monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon wafers.



Considerable Business Momentum
As part of CSI’s growth, we have continued to add on proven sales and support resources. Our customers and prospects operate globally and we need to have an on the ground presence to maintain existing relationships and to build important new ones. We recently made several key hires, including a new Director of Sales in the U.S. with 12 years of industry experience. We expect to open a new European sales office in the second quarter of 2007.
Our efforts are paying off. CSI recently added five major customers and distributors, more than doubling our customer base in Europe. We also continue to work with customers to develop innovative specialty products to meet their specific needs. The higher-margin, specialty product area compliments our core standard modules. On the standard module side, we recently introduced a new product capable of producing 220 watts to 240 watts power output per module, which is now a top seller for CSI. On the specialty side, we further cemented our relationships with key customers and expect to see increased sales of several specialty solar products.
Balanced Supply Strategy
CSI continues to ramp up its in-house solar cell manufacturing while maintaining long-term strategic purchasing from a couple of selected supply partners. For example, we recently signed a supply agreement with a major solar cell manufacturer in China. Securing this additional solar cell supply at a cost meeting our internal target will help us to fulfill the increased demands from our key customers. We believe this balanced supply strategy helps to create a win-win situation and provides us with the ability to quickly respond to demand surges from our customers.
CSI’s management has continued to work diligently to shore up both our polysilicon supply and to reconfirm contracts with customers. We have already reconfirmed about 80% of our 2007 forecasted 64MW sales and reconfirmed about 70% of silicon, wafer and cell supply required to meet our sales forecast for 2007.
We are very excited about our in-house solar cell progress. Our management boasts some of the industry’s most senior solar cell manufacturing expertise. We know how to cost efficiently source high performance machinery, how to install on schedule and how to achieve on target yields. Already in 2007, we successfully installed our first of four planned



in-house solar cell lines. It took just six months from the ground breaking to the production of the first batch of cells. We plan to have a total of four, 25MW solar cell lines in full commercial production by the end of 2007.
On April 15, 2007, we officially opened a new cell manufacturing subsidiary, CSI Cells Co., with a manufacturing area of about 10,000 sq meters. Our first line, which was installed on February 10, 2007, approximately one month ahead of schedule, gives us an initial 25MW of annual nameplate capacity. We expect to complete Line 2 on schedule at the end of June. Lines 3 and 4, planed for December, will be implemented on or ahead of schedule, bringing the total cell manufacturing capacity to 100MW. The new cell facility will further strengthen CSI’s competitive edge in the current consolidation of the solar industry.
Vertical integration of in-house solar cell production lines will give us added control over product quality and delivery times, and enable CSI to provide even better service to our customers.
Targeting Continued Revenue and Profit Growth
We entered 2007 in a very strong position. We have an excellent customer base to grow with. Our specialty products business continues to be a leader in the industry. Finally, we are in a strong financial position. Our outlook is positive for the near and long-term.
One of our top priorities is to regain margin growth in 2007. We will leverage the long-term, favorable pricing we have negotiated and are negotiating with our suppliers combined with ongoing first mover advantage in our silicon reclamation program and the margin contribution from our in-house solar cell production lines.
The market is now much healthier for CSI as we work to build ourselves as one of the industry’s leading companies. CSI has developed a reputation as a valued partner to customers worldwide. We are a trusted supplier of solar products based on product design, performance and customization, as well as after-sale services. Our integrated solar provider model with our proactive supply chain strategy has positioned us for continued success in 2007.



We thank you for your support during 2006, and we look forward to sharing our progress with you throughout 2007.
/s/ Shawn Qu
Dr. Shawn Qu
Chairman & CEO